Publication Types:

Reflections on how to improve the contribution of social science research to avalanche safety practices

Conference Paper - ISSWResearch Methods
Pascal Haegeli, Anne St. Clair, Kelly McNeil, Andrea Mannberg, and Audun Hetland
Proceedings of the 2023 International Snow Science Workshop in Bend, Oregon
Publication year: 2023

A research system for a more integrated and responsive contribution of social science research to avalanche safety information product design and evaluation

Conference Paper - ISSWResearch Methods
Pascal Haegeli, Christoph Mitterer, Thomas Stucki, Matthias Walcher, and Reto Rupf
Proceedings of the 2023 International Snow Science Workshop in Bend, Oregon
Publication year: 2023

How much recreational exposure to avalanche terrain is there? - An overview of possible approaches for monitoring winter backcountry use for public avalanche-warning services

ReportResearch MethodsUser Groups
Rosemary Langford, Pascal Haegeli and Reto Rupf
Research report prepared for Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Simon Fraser University Avalanche Research Program, Burnaby BC, p. 172.
Publication year: 2020

Choice experiments in outdoor recreation

EditorialJournal PaperResearch Methods
UlrikePröbstl-Haider, Len M.Hunt, RetoRupf and PascalHaegeli
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, DOI: 10.1016/j.jort.2020.100321, in press.
Publication year: 2020