Publication Types:

Snow Avalanches, in Resilient Pathways Report: Co-creating new Knowledge for Understanding Risk and Resilience in BC

Cam Campbell and Pascal Haegeli
Safaie, S., Johnstone, S., Hastings, N.L., eds., Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8910, 2022 p. 56-71,
Publication year: 2022

Overview of Fatal Avalanche Accidents in the Mechanized Skiing Industry in Canada (1970-2020)

Accidents & RiskReport
Rosemary Langford and Pascal Haegeli
Research report prepared for HeliCat Canada, Simon Fraser University Avalanche Research Program, Burnaby BC, p. 18.
Publication year: 2020

How much recreational exposure to avalanche terrain is there? - An overview of possible approaches for monitoring winter backcountry use for public avalanche-warning services

ReportResearch MethodsUser Groups
Rosemary Langford, Pascal Haegeli and Reto Rupf
Research report prepared for Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Simon Fraser University Avalanche Research Program, Burnaby BC, p. 172.
Publication year: 2020

Overview of existing concerns and operational experiences with avalanche balloon packs within the Canadian professional avalanche community

ReportVulnerability & Rescue
Pascal Haegeli
Research report prepared for WorkSafeBC, Avisualanche Consulting, Vancouver BC, p. 77
Publication year: 2012

On the effectiveness of avalanche balloon pack in Canadian avalanche incidents

ReportVulnerability & Rescue
Pascal Haegeli
Research report prepared for WorkSafeBC, Avisualanche Consulting, Vancouver BC, p. 106.
Publication year: 2012

Examination of avalanche incidents resulting in worker fatalities with respect to possible impacts of avalanche balloon packs

ReportVulnerability & Rescue
Pascal Haegeli
Research report prepared for WorkSafeBC, Avisualanche Consulting, Vancouver BC, p. 22
Publication year: 2012